Tuesday, February 11, 2020

this boy

This boy. 
This boy came from me, this boy looks like me, talks like me, responds like me. This boy is growing and growing. This boy looks like a man, still becoming like a man.
This boy is covered with bruises and scrapes and mosquito bites. This boy doesn’t go lightly. This boy I knew how to raise until he raised me, teaches me what it takes to be a mom of boys. This boy shows me the difference between facades and authenticity...he would have none of the former but painfully taught me about the later. This boy can break my heart with his words, but melts it with his grin.
This boy gives to those without and has compassion and humility for days. This boy makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. This boy has his daddy’s heart.
This boy goes out into the world to search for who he is and returns home to find it. This boy will leave one day, will marry one day, will have his own family one day. This boy is becoming grown whether I like it or not. This boy terrifies me, worries me, concerns me, humbles me, thrills me. And loves me. This boy loves me.

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